Our Services

Save you taxes by maximizing the deductions allowed by law.
Income taxes prepared-individuals and businesses, non-profits.
Prior year taxes prepared.
Tax planning and preparation.
Quick Books setup and consultation.
Year-round audit support.
Reviews and compilation of your books and records.
Timely preparation of all federal and state tax forms.
Daily Money Management and Budgeting Services

Providing you with good, sound tax and financial advice.
Preparing financial statements to enable you to secure working capital.
Assisting you in planning for the future.

What Our Fantastic Clients Say

I really can't thank you enough for what you and Nancy done....THANK YOU!!!! . Definitely gone above and beyond and I'll never forget.

Thank you so much Roger for your professionalism, your kindness and your hospitality in your home on Sunday. People like you are very few and far between, we certainly are grateful.

“Just a note to say "Thank You" for all you both do to help our family. The both of you are ALWAYS putting our best interest 1st.”

Copyright (c) 2016 The Firm Of Hourihan and Figueroa